Answer in the Negative - Henrietta Hamilton

Agora Books has put focus on uncrowned, female  writers from The Golden Age of Detective Fiction.
This resulted in me getting Answer in the Negative to review.

Henrietta Hamilton was an English writer known for her stories about amateur sleuths Sally and
Johnny Helder.
I haven’t been able to find much about the writer but she is the author of:
The Two Hundred Ghosts (1956)
Death at One Blow (1957)
Answer in the Negative (1959)
A Night to Die (1959)

In Answer in the Negative the archive assistant at National Press Archives - Frank Morningside -
has been the receiver of poison pen letters and practical jokes. At first not so bad, but it evolves
and gets nasty. That makes his superior Toby call on his friends for help. His friends are the married
couple and amateur sleuths Sally and Johnny Helder. Johnny reluctantly offers to help and they start
inquiries at the archive pretending to be researchers. While investigating two murders take place
before Johnny succeeds in finding out who the murderer is. It is a real  whodunit crime story, but
not that easy to figure out who did it. 

In the back of the book is a prologue to Death at One Blow, and after reading Answer in the Negative
you do want to read this as well. I guess that won’t be easy unless Agora Books decide to publish
this too. I do hope so. It will be a treat to read more about the amateur detective couple, and learn
what further happens in Death at One Blow.

 #AnswerintheNegative #NetGalley
