The Daffodil Affair - Michael Innes


The Daffodil Affair by Michael Innes is number 8 in the Sir John Appleby series.

This novel was a bit of a disappointment, although I am rather a fan of books by Innes. 

Appleby is summoned to find his aunt’s horse (a horse of little value) and at the same time Superintendent Hudspith must find a young girl who has disappeared. A house in London said to be haunted has also disappeared. Stolen amidst various air raids during WW2.  The search brings them to a desolate place in South America where a Mr. White has gathered various people with supernatural abilities and some fraudsters as well. His aim is to overtake world domination when people after the end of the war will crave miracles. Appelby and Hudspith succeed in obtaining an invitation to White’s islands. The problem is getting away from the islands alive.

The plot was too imaginative and improbable for my liking.
