A Taste for Vengeance - Martin Walker

Martin Walker

A Taste for Vengeance by  Martin Walker

Unfortunately this is preliminarily the last book in the series (no. 11) about  Bruno, Chief of Police. Hopefully there will soon be a new one published.
The books with half numbers are short stories and e-books but not available at Amazon right now.

A taste of Vengeance also takes place in the  Dordogne. Bruno has been promoted but apart from that everything is as always - thankfully. Pamela is missing one of her participants in a cooking course and turns to Bruno for help. The lady has disappeared and it is not possible to get in contact with her husband . Bruno discovers she is seen traveling with a mysterious Irishman and soon it seems as if there may be a connection among others to the IRA and Iraq.
This novel is, as all the other novels in the series, exciting and enjoyable to read - still not least because of the area, food, wine and the very sympathetic Chief of Police.

Translated to Danish:

Politimesteren i St. Denis - Bruno Courrèges 1
Dødens Vingård - Bruno Courrèges 2

The series consist of:

Bruno, Chief of Police - Bruno, Chief of Police 1
The Dark Vineyard - Bruno, Chief of Police 2
Black Diamond - Bruno, Chief of Police 3
The Crowded Grave - Bruno, Chief of Police 4
The Devil's Cave - Bruno, Chief of Police 5
Bruno and the Carol Singers - Bruno, Chief of Police 5.5
The Resistance Man - Bruno, Chief of Police 6
Children of War - Bruno, Chief of Police 7
A Market Tale - Bruno, Chief of Police 7.5
The Patriarch - Bruno, Chief of Police 8
Fatal Pursuit - Bruno, Chief of Police 9
The Templars' Last Secret - Bruno, Chief of Police 10
A Taste for Vengeance - Bruno, Chief of Police 11
The Chocolate War - Bruno, Chief of Police 11.5
